Helping Ms. R

Providing legal support and helping get the bills paid

Ms. R  is a 63-year-old recent widow…

Originally from the Dominican Republic, Ms. R spent most of her adult life in New York City. For most of her life, Ms. R lived in a rent-stabilized apartment in Washington Heights with her husband from Mexico. When her husband passed away Ms. R. became depressed and did not follow through on paying her bills—as her husband had always taken care of this. Given her depression, she sought the assistance of a psychiatrist at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital who learned that Ms. R. was in six-month rent arrears and at risk of being evicted. The psychiatrist referred Ms. R to Riverstone for assistance.

Referred to Riverstone, Ms. R got the help she needed.

Riverstone’s social worker assisted Ms. R in applying for Social Security disability, helping her with the application and securing an interview for her at a local Social Security Administration office. While at the interview Ms. R expressed suicidal ideation which, with the assistance of Riverstone’s social worker, resulted in her being hospitalized. After being psychiatrically stabilized and discharged from the hospital, she learned that her landlord started eviction proceedings. Her social worker assisted her with this matter, escorting her to housing court, coordinating care, and providing guidance and support throughout the process.  Through emergency grant support and Riverstone’s Money Management program, Ms. R’s primary bills are now being paid on time and she is no longer at risk of eviction.


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