Season’s Greetings Caregivers

Season’s Greetings,
You may know more than anyone that Riverstone’s Memory Center is unique. Our social adult day program has been dedicated for nearly 40 years to providing support services to individuals with memory loss as well as to their caregivers. It is a place where your loved one can spend the day, socializing, doing activities, and simply feeling connected—while assuring you that they are safe and cared for. It also gives you, as a caregiver, time to care for your own needs, care for children/grandchildren, work, or to just sit back and relax.
Riverstone’s Memory Center is grateful that you have entrusted us with your loved one. We are honored to be part of your support system. Caring for a loved one is a life-altering experience. Because your loved one is a treasured client at Riverstone you know the importance and value of funding a day program like Riverstone. We say no one has to walk this journey alone. Without day programs like ours, the likelihood of placing a loved one into a nursing home increases exponentially.
As the Executive Director of Riverstone, one of my main responsibilities is to secure grants for all our programs and services. However, the reality is that neither government nor private foundation grants are enough to maintain a robust and efficacious program like our Memory Center. With rising costs of food, salaries, health insurance for staff, program supplies, and all else that is needed, sustaining our high-quality program becomes ever more challenging. For this reason, I am asking for your help. Your donation today will be earmarked for our Memory Center—a place that you can be proud to support and where you are always welcome to visit. Any amount truly helps us towards our goal of maintaining the highest standards for our clients and you our caregivers.
Happy holidays and have a happy New Year!
Ilana Dunner, LCSW
Executive Director
Send check to: Riverstone Senior Life Services, 99 Fort Washington Avenue, New York, NY 10032
Or CLICK HERE to donate online