A day at Riverstone Memory Center is a day filled with activities It is proven that being active helps people suffering from Alzheimer’s. We at Riverstone Memory Center plan a day chock full of activities that your family member will love! Our days are planned with the purpose of helping reduce the symptoms of memory […]
Tips to Overcome Alzheimer’s Disease Challenges (5 November) Sobre el impacto que Covid-19 en la persona con demencia (12 noviembre) Date: November 5, 2020 Time: 11:00am Location: Zoom.com Meeting ID: 964 2623 5352 Passcode: 270080 OR Join via Phone 1-646-876-9923 In English For Family caregivers of people with memory loss RSVP to Kayla: kperdomo@riverstonenyc.org […]
Presentado por Harlem Advocates for Seniors y la Alzheimer’s Assoc. Un Programa educativo para disfrutar desde la comodidad de su hogar. Por siglos, se ha dicho que la salud del cerebro y la salud del cuerpo están conectadas. Ahora la ciencia puede proveer más información sobre como el estilo de vida puede ayudar a nuestro […]
Presented by Riverstone & the Alzheimer’s Association. An educational program to enjoy from the comfort of your home. For centuries, we have known that the health of the brain and the body are connected. Now, science is able to provide insights into how to make lifestyle choices that may help keeping your brain and […]
Music therapy is great for seniors with memory issues or Alzheimer’s. We put this video playlist together for you to share with your loved one! YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE BOOGIE WOOGIE BUGLE BOY HOME ON THE RANGE DO RAY MI SOUND OF MUSIC ZIPPY DO DA WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD QUE SERA SERA I GOT […]
Receiving a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s is never easy — it’s life-changing. It is normal to experience a range of emotions. Acknowledging your feelings can be an empowering first step in coping with the challenges ahead. Riverstone has several ways to help you including: Support Groups Memory Center Social Services Emotions you may have You noticed […]